A bit about me & my journey

Dan Loya with bins and shirts flung above him

Becoming a professional organizer was an opportunity that was created for me, really!

Dan Loya, Professional OrganizerDan Loya organizing a bathroom drawer

How did I become a Professional Organizer?

This is the most commonly asked question when people find out what I do for a living. There’s really no concise answer, but it’s a story that’s fun to tell. It all started in 2005 when I became a disenchanted art consultant at a blue-chip art gallery in Los Angeles. When I disclosed to my most devoted client that I was retiring from the art business (and stepping down as the associate director of the gallery), she proposed that I help her organize her home while I decide what career move to make next. Initially, I was noticeably taken aback, but she explained that since I had such an organized approach to working with my clients (by streamlining purchases, arranging home shows, procuring artwork at fine art auctions, etc.), I would likely have talent organizing functional spaces as well.

Dan Loya, Professional Organizer

Spaces Transformed, established in 2011

The company was created with the intention of empowering people to simplify their lives (and in the process to be transformed from the inside out). After transforming dozens of spaces with my clients in Philadelphia, my business was relocated to New York City in 2017. This transition fulfilled my life-long dream of living in The City considered by many to be the center of the world. You might ask me, “How can you help people improve the quality of their lives in a city where anything can be bought except peace of mind”?

Well, I have spent many years developing myself into a coach who guides busy New Yorkers to a new state of order and serenity. My journey of professional development includes:

  1. participating in diverse trainings at annual NAPO (National Association of Productivity & Organizing Professionals) Conferences;
  2. attending on-trend trainings and seminars hosted at the NAPO chapters and other professional groups; and
  3. becoming certified in Brain Based Conditions (preparing me to work with clients who are neurodiverse).

In 2023 a significant distinction reinforced my dedication to offer the highest level of service I’m capable of. At the NAPO Conference, I was honored to be granted the President’s Award for my distinctive leadership and contributions. As a long-term NAPO volunteer, I held the national role as Co-Chair of the Education Advisory Committee. Prior to that, I served on the Board of Directors for the NYC and Philadelphia NAPO chapters.

Now with over 15 years of experience in my field, I’m more excited than ever to help New Yorkers bring order to their lives…and in turn achieve lasting peace of mind!
NAPO Member

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